DBpedia GSoC 2022 (Week 9): Website-based demo for the framework + Mid-eval
This article summarises my progess in GSoC over week nine of the GSoC coding period.
Implementing the complete framework
This week I was able to finish all the parts of the framework and create a functional pipeline for the process. The steps involved:
- Getting an image from the user.
- Pass the image through a pre-trained ResNet-50 to generate the embeddings.
- Load the ResNet-50 embeddings of images in the dataset created earlier.
- Compute similarity between the query image and images in the dataset.
- Create a ranked list of dataset images in decreasing order of similarity scores.
Demo of the framework
Based on the pipeline mentioned above, for the purpose of mid-eval, I created a webpage that takes as input an image’s index (to use as query) and queries over rest of the images in the dataset. Here is the link to the code: Github.
Here is an image from the webpage: